Ultrasonic cleaning is an efficient and effective precision cleaning technology unique in its ability to clean inaccessible areas that other technologies can’t.
Welding, Assembly & Cleaning
Advancing Lithium-Ion Battery Manufacturing
Here is a look at some of the technologies that improve lithium-ion battery production. These batteries are widely used in electric vehicles, solar and wind power energy storage, and a wide range of mobile devices.
12 Questions with Carrie Baines, Outside Sales Engineer
Get to know more about 2021 Salesperson of the Year for the Americas, Carrie Baines. Learn about her career at Emerson, her experience in the Women’s Impact Network, and what advice she has for other women in sales.
The Journey to Sustainability
Emerson’s journey towards sustainability has been focused on helping people meet the needs of their customers and society through energy efficiency, operational excellence and environmental stewardship.
Effective Sealing for Bio-Based Packaging
In a Sustainable Packaging News article, The ultimate Bio-Based ultrasonics, Emerson’s David Devine shares how Branson Ultrasonic Plastic Welding technology supports the move from single-use plastics packaging to bio-based plastics (BBP) and biodegradable & compostable plastics (BDCP).
Ultrasonic Welding Helps Ramp Up COVID Test Production
In a Plastic News article, Automation suppliers help meet demand for COVID-19 testing kits, Emerson’s Vernon Murray highlights the importance of welding technology in driving production efficiency.
Innovative Pulse Staking and Swaging for Thermoplastics
In a Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry (MD+DI) article, Advanced Technology for Plastics Staking and Swaging, Emerson’s Priyank Kishor describes a technology innovation, pulse staking. Pulse staking uses local heating and cooling to raise the temperature of plastic components and allow plastic reforming to be carried out.
Meeting Surgical Mask Production Demand with Ultrasonic Welding Technology
A MD+DI (Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry) article, Emerson Responds to Face Mask Needs and More Supplier News, shares a story of how Emerson ultrasonic welding technology helped Australia’s MedCon:
…produce 58 million Level 3 surgical masks in just eight months…
Ultrasonic Welding for More Sustainable Packaging
In a Fastener Engineering article, How ultrasonic welding can meet packaging sustainability goals, Emerson’s Bill Reed describes the challenges and how this technology helps to address them.
Stronger, More Aesthetic Plastic Welds
In a Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry (MD+DI) article, Emerson’s Priyank Kishor notes that by offering advanced welding performance and an unrivaled clamp force, the GLX Micro laser welder enables manufacturers to design and efficiently produce the highest quality products.
Personal Protective Equipment and Ultrasonic Welding
In a Medical Design & Outsourcing article, How ultrasonics power infection control in nonwovens, Emerson’s Tom Hoover describes the role of ultrasonic technology in replacing sewing in non-woven materials.
Tips for Effective Ultrasonic Plastic Welding
Ultrasonic welding is: …an industrial technique whereby high-frequency ultrasonic acoustic vibrations are locally applied to workpieces being held together under pressure to create a solid-state weld. It is commonly used for plastics, and especially for joining...
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