A post from a few years ago, Separate Versus Integral Final Element Accessories in Safety Applications, continues to generate some good questions. I thought I'd make these questions and associated answers more visible in today's post. Here's the first question: I...
Riyaz Ali
Positioner-Only Configuration on Digital Valve Controller
I wanted to share a quick question and answer in an email exchange in case you may have a similar question sometime down the road. The original question was: The Project is about installing two manual Fisher control valves but we want to modify it to include obtaining...
When is a Safety Integrity Level Rating of a Valve Required?
Control valves play a large role in process control. Emerson's Riyaz Ali shared with me that he is often asked about their use in safety instrumented functions (also known as safety loops). When asked recently, he shared an ISA Safety Division newsletter from the fall...
Control Valve Suitability in Safety Applications
Sometimes an email exchange turns up something developed years ago that still has great value. So is this case with an article I received as an attachment on final control elements and their suitability in safety instrumented functions (SIFs), a.k.a. safety loops. The...
Safety Instrumented System Solenoid-Operated Valve Approaches
Last week at the Emerson Exchange conference, I caught up with Emerson's Riyaz Ali. You may recall Riyaz from many safety instrumented system-related posts. We discussed some of the trends in integrated positioners + solenoid valves + limit switches + valve position...
Safety Valve Positioners and Common Cause Failure Questions
If you work with pumps in your facility, you may be familiar with the Empowering Pumps site, a wealth of information to help you with these important assets in your plant. Founder Charli K. Matthews has launched something similar for valves, Empowering Valves. I had...
Providing Operators Process Control Valve Position Feedback
Control systems provide signals to control valves to regulate their position per the requirements of the control strategy. It is good engineering practice, especially for critical control valves to have valve travel feedback from independent devices such as position...
Separate Versus Integral Final Element Accessories in Safety Applications
Final elements such as safety shutdown valves, emergency isolation valves, blowdown valves, etc., in safety instrumented functions (SIFs) are equipped with various accessories such as digital valve controllers, solenoid valves (SOV), and volume boosters, to name a...
Field Device Local Display in Process Safety Applications
One of the great things about conferences such as last week's Emerson Exchange Americas conference is reconnecting face-to-face with people where some time has passed. I had the chance to connect with Emerson's Riyaz Ali, whose expertise I've highlighted in several...
Q and A on Digital Valve Controllers and Solenoids in Safety Applications
A reader emailed some great questions to an earlier post, Clarifications on the Use of the DVC6000 SIS in Safety Applications. The post, featuring the thoughts of Emerson's Riyaz Ali, addressed misconceptions about the use of digital valve controllers and solenoids in...
Additional Clarifications on Digital Valve Controllers in Safety Applications
A few months ago, I attempted to clear up some misconceptions about the use of digital valve controllers in safety applications in a post, Clarifications on the Use of the DVC6000 SIS in Safety Applications. It addressed misconceptions about references to the obsolete...
Clarifications on the Use of the DVC6000 SIS in Safety Applications
I had the chance to catch up with Emerson's Riyaz Ali at the Emerson Exchange last month in Nashville. You may recall Riyaz from many process safety-related posts. In his conversations with process automation and safety professionals, he has been encountering some...
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