Most of today’s electric vehicles (EVs) rely on lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries due to their high-energy density. As these batteries have become increasingly more advanced, so has the manufacturing process required to produce them—a complex interplay of chemical...
With Great Planning Comes Great Reliability
Many things have changed in process manufacturing in recent years. Teams—including reliability and maintenance—have gotten smaller, budgets have shrunk, production expectations have increased, expertise has become rarer, and equipment has gotten more complex. One...
Drive Reliability Improvements from the Edge to the Enterprise
The whitepaper, From Edge to Enterprise – AspenTech and Emerson’s Comprehensive Reliability Solution describes how Emerson’s AMS platform’s sensor instrumentation and wireless monitoring with AspenTech’s AI & machine learning advanced analytics solution helps drive performance improvements.
Analytics in Action: The Key to Modern Manufacturing is Boundless Automation
As the world of process manufacturing continues its quest to both drive increased production to meet customer needs and provide sustainable operations to meet global expectations, more and more companies are discovering that data is central to accomplishing their...
Make the Most of Maintenance Software
As the global marketplace expands, operating at peak efficiency has become increasingly important. If your competition is manufacturing their products while your personnel are navigating an unanticipated outage, you’re not only losing money, but possibly providing...
Advancing Non-Intrusive Corrosion Measurement in Modern Refinery Operations
As refineries navigate an increasingly complex operating environment, the challenge of managing corrosion risks while maintaining operational flexibility has become paramount. Emerson's Rosemount™ Wireless Corrosion and Erosion Transmitters, with over a decade of...
Data Overload to Asset Insight: Simplifying Maintenance with Smart Automation
We talk so much about the value of data today that it becomes easy to forget that too much data—or data that is not useful— can be just as much of a problem as not having any at all. This idea is at the heart of Drew Mackley’s recent contribution to an article in Food...
Close the Loop on Reliability Across the Enterprise
We’ve talked for years—maybe even decades—about closing the loop in process manufacturing control and business practices. Automating processes by using data to drive end-to-end seamless functionality improves safety while increasing efficiency and profitability....
Effective Digital Transformation Requires Better Data Mobility
So, how’s digital transformation going? All digitally transformed? All jokes aside, many organizations are finding that the results of their digital transformation efforts have created improvements across their organizations but have not delivered the true paradigm...
Don’t Just Protect, Predict!
Any plant that operates complex, expensive, or even dangerous equipment is familiar with machinery protection systems. Ensuring that equipment will be shut down in the case of an emergency is a primary goal for these organizations, both to keep personnel and the...
You Can Have Traditional Machinery Protection with Modern Capabilities
Machinery protection systems are nothing new. Plants have been using them to protect their assets and personnel for decades. However, modern machinery protection systems are changing the game, with new features designed to offer more capability and flexibility....
Better Automation Across the Plant and Across the Lifecycle
Like any process manufacturing industry, the food and beverage industry is focused on operational excellence to deliver the best product safely and on time. However, many small and medium sized processers are discovering the need to incorporate more automation into...
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