Todd Walden is experienced public relations consultant and technical writer for the industrial manufacturing sector with a strong background in information technology, industrial automation, process systems and solutions, marketing, and training.

Posts by or with Todd Walden

Battery Storage Doesn’t Have to be Complex

Battery Storage Doesn’t Have to be Complex

One of the most fascinating frontiers of the new push toward more renewable forms of energy is the increase in utility-scale battery storage. More renewable sources of energy means more variability on the grid, so energy producers need a place to store that energy...

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Deep Energy Expertise Drives Improved Operations

Deep Energy Expertise Drives Improved Operations

As more and more power generators bring renewables assets into their portfolios, complexity of operations is becoming an increasingly popular theme. In a recent interview with Wind Systems magazine, Emerson’s Matt Roberts dug into that complexity and the tools...

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Advanced Automation is the Key to Better Grid Management

Advanced Automation is the Key to Better Grid Management

Many modern power generation facilities are dealing with a two-pronged problem. On one hand, their assets are often decades old, and as a result, need a lot of attention to run at peak performance. However, the very people who have the deep industry expertise to keep...

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Modern Power Generation Requires Modern Solutions

Modern Power Generation Requires Modern Solutions

Utilities around the globe are reacting to a public call to address climate change. The future of generation will call for new technologies that reduce emissions and provide more sustainable power. However, as James Fraser points out in his recent article in enerG...

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Don’t Replace—Retrofit!

Don’t Replace—Retrofit!

Much of our attention on the rise of renewable energy has been focused on the United States and Europe, but the reality is that a trend toward increasing renewable electricity generation is happening around the globe. Nowhere is that more obvious than in India, where...

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AI is Coming, and it’s Time to Get Ready

AI is Coming, and it’s Time to Get Ready

There is a lot of talk these days about the rise of AI. It’s not only that the technology is so new and exciting, with so much potential to change the world. AI is also a hot topic because the global environment is right for the changes it can bring. A workforce...

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Software-Defined Control Unlocks a Future of Flexibility

Software-Defined Control Unlocks a Future of Flexibility

It seems as if the challenges facing process manufacturers have changed nearly overnight, with many operations teams now facing entirely different goals than just five short years ago. These new goals—increased sustainability, reduced energy use, optimal...

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The Future of Green Hydrogen Blending is Boundless

The Future of Green Hydrogen Blending is Boundless

With the new energy economy come big changes. We all know that energy sources can’t change overnight, so more and more producers and transporters—including those in natural gas—are looking closely at blending as a transitional technology. Today, much of the talk...

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