Sergio enjoys bringing innovation and the voice of the customer into the development process for process safety systems. He helps ensure the development of technologies that help Emerson’s customers more safely and productively operate their facilities around the world.

Posts by or with Sergio Diaz

Expert Advice for Securing Safety Systems

Expert Advice for Securing Safety Systems

As more and more processing plant personnel begin to work remotely in the wake of cultural changes from the global pandemic and an acceleration in plants’ digital transformation initiatives, there is probably no topic more deserving of attention than cybersecurity....

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Episodio 34: Evolucionando hacia el comisionamiento inteligente

Episodio 34: Evolucionando hacia el comisionamiento inteligente

Nuestro experto Sergio Díaz, nos habla de la filosofía de comisionamiento inteligente, un proceso basado en la tecnología que optimiza todo el proceso de comisionamiento y mejora la adaptabilidad del proyecto. Sergio nos cuenta sobre lo que necesita una organización...

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Integrated Control and Safety is More Valuable than Ever

Integrated Control and Safety is More Valuable than Ever

There can be little doubt that COVID-19 has significantly changed the way we all work, and a key example of that change is a massive increase in remote connectivity across industries. In a recent Control Design article examining how COVID has altered the manufacturing...

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Building More Defendable Control and Safety Systems

Building More Defendable Control and Safety Systems

A plant’s basic process control system (BPCS) and safety instrumented system (SIS) are critical infrastructure for the facility. Many decisions go into selecting these systems, and one of the most important is selecting the right architecture—a decision that will...

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Selecting the Right Automation Architecture

Selecting the Right Automation Architecture

Creating a safe and secure automation process starts with implementing a well-designed basic process control system (BPCS) and safety instrumented system (SIS). Government agencies and industry associations offer guidelines and requirements for how these systems...

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Cybersecurity Considerations for Automation Architectures

Cybersecurity Considerations for Automation Architectures

In an Industrial Safety and Security Source article, Considerations in Choosing a Defendable Safety System Architecture, Emerson’s Sergio Diaz and Alexandre Peixoto focus on the basic process control system (BPCS) and safety instrumented system (SIS). They compare various architectures from a cybersecurity perspective.

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Safety Instrumented System Cybersecurity Best Practices

Safety Instrumented System Cybersecurity Best Practices

Emerson's Sergio Diaz and Alexandre Peixoto presented Best Practices for a Cybersecure SIS at the 2019 Emerson Exchange conference. Sergio opened that the goal of this presentation is to provide practical information to maintain a more defendable security posture for...

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