Riyaz has extensive experience with Digital Valve Controllers with Emerson's Fisher brand of valves. These microprocessor-based DVCs are used for field devices mounted on Final Control Elements for Basic Process Control System and Final Element on Safety Instrumented Systems.

Posts by or with Riyaz Ali

Selecting a Valve Positioner for Performance and Savings

Selecting a Valve Positioner for Performance and Savings

  LNG facilities and pipelines rely on valve positioners to provide precise and reliable flow control. My article in the January 2025 issue of LNG Industry on pages 35-38, titled “Wise Valve Selection Improves Performance,” discusses key features of modern...

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Fisher FIELDVUE DVC6200 Continuous Bleed

Fisher FIELDVUE DVC6200 Continuous Bleed

Generally, depending upon the design of internal components of smart devices and their response to control change from the controller input signal, pneumatic parts like I/P (current-to-pressure transducer) and pneumatic relays are tailored to optimize control performance.

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Digital Valve Controllers for Net-Zero Objectives

Digital Valve Controllers for Net-Zero Objectives

Emerson’s Riyaz Ali presented Digital Valve Controller Used with Final Control Elements Inching Towards Net Zero Emission at the 2024 Emerson Exchange conference in Düsseldorf, Germany. Here is his presentation abstract: Energy consumption is a big part of process...

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Advantages of Digitized On-Off Valves

Advantages of Digitized On-Off Valves

Digital transformation of field instrumentation can spark one’s imagination with new concepts, including the possibility of data harvesting from automated on-off valves. Automated on-off valves are typically used in a basic process control system (BPCS) or safety instrumented system (SIS). In these and other automation systems, they must function properly to optimize performance, availability, and reliability. The data provided by smart on-off valves can be used to increase uptime, reduce maintenance costs, and improve safety.

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Improving Performance with Digital On-Off Valves

Improving Performance with Digital On-Off Valves

I’ve often written about how digital valve controllers improve control valve performance and ongoing maintenance. But how about on-off valves? In this Valve World Americas featured story, How Digitized On-Off Valves Improve Operations, Emerson’s Riyaz Ali explains how...

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Optimizing Valve Compressed Air Consumption

Optimizing Valve Compressed Air Consumption

For air-operated control valves, the pneumatic power at a constant supply pressure is proportional to the mass flow rate of instrument air. The pneumatic/eletro-pneumatic/microprocessor-based digital valve controller is used on most control valves operated in closed-loop control, where the input signal is continuously changing.

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Clarifying Rebuilds to Extend Valve Lifespans

Clarifying Rebuilds to Extend Valve Lifespans

I received a question from an earlier post, End of Life Expectancy for Final Control Elements in Safety and Control Systems, by Emerson’s Riyaz Ali. The instrument & control engineer who came upon the blog post wrote…

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Control Valves in Safety Instrumented Functions

Control Valves in Safety Instrumented Functions

When is it possible to use control valves like final elements for SIS [safety instrumented system] application? I am looking for other useful documents and technical requirements when it is possible to use only control valves as the final element instead of on/off valves and not in combination with it in the SIF [safety instrumented function] application.

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Digital Valve Controller Travel Control with Pressure Fallback

Digital Valve Controller Travel Control with Pressure Fallback

The DVC6200 HW2 digital valve controller provides a unique feature to detect position feedback issues and automatically revert from travel control to pressure control (I/P transducer mode) to keep the valve operational. This can help avoid costly unplanned spurious trips that can affect plant operation.

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