There’s a lot of myths, hyperbole and hype surrounding digital transformation. In this Flow Control article, 7 digital transformation myths exposed, Emerson’s Brian Joe digs into these to help you uncover some of the true potential for business improvements.

Posts by or with Brian Joe
Building Digital Transformation, One Step at a Time
In a Flow Control magazine article, Seven Digital Transformation Myths Exposed, Emerson’s Brian Joe offers advice on starting a digital transformation program. When we talk to companies about digital transformation, especially companies that have yet to launch a...
Sensors and Analytics for Reliable and Efficient Electrical Generation
In a Power magazine article, New Monitoring and Analytics Tools Improve Plant Performance, Emerson’s Brian Joe and Juan Panama describe how Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technologies help electrical generating plants increase reliability and overall efficiency.
Clearing Up Digital Transformation Myths
I just Googled "digital transformation" and saw it returning about 34,900,000 results—so there is no shortage of information out there. But what if your company imperative is to digitally transform your manufacturing or production operations due to market pressures or...
Closing the Loop Driving Reliability, Safety and Energy Improvements
Emerson's Brian Joe and Ben Skal presented on Plantweb technologies and how they help facilitate digital transformation initiatives. Brian opened noting that process control is all based on the See-Decide-Act closed-loop model. Typically it is an open-loop process for...
Plantweb Analytics Update at Emerson Exchange
Emerson's Manasi Menon and Brian Joe provided an update on Plantweb Analytics at the 2019 Emerson Exchange conference in Nashville. Plantweb Analytics are focused around operational analytics. There are two major categories of operational analytics—principle-driven...
In-House or Cloud-Based Asset Monitoring
Asset condition monitoring versus performance monitoring—what's the difference? And, analyzing and forming decisions on the data from this monitoring—should it be done within the company or in the cloud? These questions are the subject of a Control Engineering...
Built for Purpose Plant Asset Insights
We know that manufacturers and producers undergoing digital transformation journeys need to consider people, processes and technologies along the path to better performance. Technology alone won't cause a transformation, but it plays a very important role. The...
Improving Energy Efficiency and Reliability with Wireless Measurements
At the 2018 Emerson Exchange conference, Emerson's John Hillencamp and Brian Joe joined a specialty chemical manufacturer to share how they saved energy costs and improved reliability with wireless measurements and the Plantweb digital ecosystem. John opened the...
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