Adding Missing Measurements in Refineries

by | Aug 15, 2013 | Downstream Hydrocarbons, Industrial IoT, Industry | 0 comments

We’re now about six weeks away from the September 30-Oct 4 Emerson Exchange conference in the Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas area. In fact, today, August 15, 2013 is the deadline for Early Bird registration—so if you were considering joining us, you’ll want to act today for the lowest conference fee rate.

Emerson's Gary HawkinsI mention that because I like to preview some of the presentations from Emerson subject matter experts at this time of year. Emerson’s Gary Hawkins, whom you may recall from many refining-related posts, will be presenting, The Missing Measurements – Essential for Long Term Reliability in Petroleum Processing. Here’s the presentation abstract:

More and more refiners are installing WirelessHART coverage throughout their process unit areas to enable a “second layer” of automation. Whereas the primary layer of automation is the regulatory control network that enables day-to-day operations, this second layer enables strategies to improve the reliability of plant assets, to minimize unplanned or unscheduled interruptions to operations and to reduce maintenance costs.

As a senior consultant in the refining industries, Gary has frequent discussions with refiners about production challenges. He notes that most process units are designed with the minimal amount of instrumentation with only that which is required to safely operate the process and provide information displayed to the process operators.

There are other opportunities where measurements from the field can benefit the process engineers and maintenance and reliability departments, which are often excluded from process designs.

Emerson Exchange Personal Scheduler ToolIn his presentation, he’ll discuss missing measurements that provide greater visibility to the process asset that either were excluded from the original design due to cost or may not have even been available for consideration because they didn’t exist at the time. By installing and commissioning these missing measurements, such as wireless steam trap monitors, refiners have the opportunity to reduce unplanned slowdowns and shutdowns of the process, save energy and reduce maintenance costs.

Gary will share scenarios across the refining process where millions of dollars in savings can be realized using these wireless field networks and devices.

If you’ll be joining us at the conference, you can select Gary’s presentation in the Personal Scheduler Tool, and add it to your calendar.

Update: Jonas, thanks for pointing out the session number, 1B-5347. The workshop will be held Tuesday at 2:00 PM and repeated on Thursday at 10:00 AM.

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