My subscription to Emerson’s Micro Motion YouTube video channel alerted me to some new, posted videos. These videos are part of the Micro Motion Online Community, along with great discussion areas, wiki area, and other areas related to Coriolis flow & density measurement.
The series of 4 videos highlight ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation, maintaining calibrations, and traceability for facilities manufacturing Micro Motion meters in North America, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region. These calibration systems provide calibration sheets on all Micro Motion meters for mass flow, volume flow, and density measurements. Best measurement capabilities for each of these measurements are provided with the meters’ calibration sheets.
The videos show what’s involved in the traceability of reference masses, volumes, and densities to assure that the calibrations performed are accurate to a known measurement uncertainty, according to the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM).
In the first video, Global Calibration, Part 1: PFS7K Calibration System, Emerson’s Marc Buttler and Dean Standiford describe the Micro Motion global calibration system. Marc is a product manager and Dean is a global calibration quality engineer.
The video shows the highly secure, locked Boulder, Colorado facility. It’s locked due to the accreditation requirements that only those qualified and trained can be in the lab. This lab is the gravimetric reference for all the Transfer Standard Method (TSM) flow stands for Micro Motion worldwide. Mass is traceable back to weights and measures from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Dean describes this traceability beginning at 1:20 of the video. He also describes density traceability around the 1:55 mark.
This ISO 17025 accredited primary flow stand provides a best measurement capability of 0.014%, which Dean shares is, “the lowest in the world” at the 2:30 mark.
The rest of the videos include Part 2: Boulder SSC Calibration Area, Part 3: ISO Accredited Calibration Centers, and Part 4: Wrap Up.
My background is with the Systems and Solutions business, so I never had an appreciation for what’s involved in the traceability process required for accurate calibration. If you watch one or more of the videos, I hope they are eye opening for you, too.