Power Industry Valve Application Video Series

by | Feb 1, 2024 | Valves, Actuators & Regulators | 0 comments

Valves are critical in many power industry applications such as boiler feedwater & recirculation, superheat attemperation, turbine bypass, and more. In this YouTube Fisher Valves & Instruments Power Industry Application Series, you can learn about the role that Fisher control valves play in the power industry. These videos detail the purpose, operation, challenges, and solutions for control valves in these applications.

HRSG Feedwater and Steam Valve Operation Overview | Power Industry Application Series

In this eight-video series, a 3D virtual tour cascades you through specific systems in a power plant. For example, the feedwater system videos share how the system works from beginning to end and then stops along the journey through the system at each of the critical control valves.

The videos explain the criteria needed to engineer a suitable control valve for the application. The 3D virtual tour includes narrated text to help effectively communicate complex topics that may have taken several hours to explain via traditional methods.

The video series includes:

  1. HRSG Feedwater and Steam Valve Operation Overview (11:24)
  2. Feedwater Startup and Regulator Valve Operation Overview (10:06)
  3. Superheat Attemperator System (2:21)
  4. Guard Against Attemperator Overspray Damage With Fisher ATST Desuperheaters (3:30)
  5. Boiler Feedwater Pump Recirculation Valve Operation Overview (5:59)
  6. Sky Vent Control Valve Operation Overview (3:51)
  7. Turbine Bypass System Overview (5:56)
  8. Main Steam Isolation and Stop Check Operation Overview (2:52)

In these videos, you can see inside the valves while they are flowing to understand how small hole trimmay become plugged if there is particulate in the flow stream. You can learn how the valve can be upgraded to combat this unavoidable problem and be replaced with the You can view how the Dirty Service Trim handles the particulate in this video.

Another example is the Protected Inside Seat that is available as an upgrade for Cavitrol III trim. This allows for another level of protection to the seating surface and extend the ability to obtain Class V shutoff. Using 3D visuals, you can zoom in on specific components that provide the shutoff and clearly show how it works.

If you’re in the Power Industry or other industries with similar applications, watch one or more of the videos in the series or visit Emerson.com/Power

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